116. Finding Hope: Embracing Compassion and Finding Healing

Have you ever felt like a moment in your life, a past event, or a deep-seated wound defined you, derailed your purpose or stole your hope, joy, and connection? If you've ever grappled with these feelings, Episode 116 is for you.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation. - Author Elizabeth Gilbert.

Throughout my journey, I've encountered anxiety, depression, addiction, betrayal, and various life challenges. I've wrestled with situations that once seemed to define and disqualify me from experiencing hope, joy, and purpose. But when I started recovery and this transformative inner work, I discovered that no matter what ruins or wreckage life has thrown us, we still have more purpose.

The heart of my work lies in this transformational process about breaking free from the limitations we place on ourselves and embracing our authenticity. Even when we appear successful on the outside, we can still struggle deep within. The ruins we feel disqualify us from experiencing a fulfilling life are the experiences that qualify us to design a beautiful life we can live in.

The process can be challenging, I know. It can be so painful, too. Yet, self-awareness is a gift as we grow in it. Many of us hold private wounds, those places we don't discuss openly but haunt us in our hearts and minds. These wounds become public knowledge for some of us, pushing us to transform, transcend the wreckage of our lives, and redefine our paths. These transformative moments can lead us toward growth instead of staying deep in guilt, anger, shame, bitterness, or resentment.

Regardless of where you are on the journey, I encourage you to embrace your unique journey of transformation. Take care of your soul and nurture your spirit as you navigate the complexities of life with Jesus. You see, you can still find joy and gladness within you. It's a journey of self-compassion and healing, and there are safe and supportive communities of people doing this Holy and hard work. We can see the hidden treasures within our ruins as we find self-compassion. So, if you've ever felt weighed down by your ruins or intrigued by the idea of internalizing compassion for yourself, I invite you to explore The Feel Better Journey. It's a transformative group coaching journey that helps you navigate the complexities of your life and heal your core identity while navigating life’s stressors and responsibilities.

Remember, even amid the ruins, there is hope. You're not alone, and you’re more loved than you can ever imagine. -Dani

Song recs Andy Grammer's Love Myself and Hillsong's Mighty to Save.


117.Feeling Distant From God, Holy Spirit, Or Jesus?


115. Take Care of Yourself.