117.Feeling Distant From God, Holy Spirit, Or Jesus?

In Episode 117, we talk about this divine disconnection we sometimes experience. The framework I want to present includes that if you feel disconnected from Father God, it might be because you have a strained relationship with your earthly father or a father figure in your life, or perhaps someone in a position of authority has hurt you. The pain we experience in our physical dwellings, whether in our childhood or through various life experiences, can impact our relationship with God.

On the flip side, if you're feeling a lack of connection with the Holy Spirit, it could be tied to a broken or dysfunctional relationship with your mother or mother figures who were meant to nurture and care for you. That absence of nurturing can reverberate in your connection with the Holy Spirit.

And then there's Jesus. Feeling distant from Him might be rooted in hurt caused by a sibling, spouse, or dear friend. Trusting Jesus can become a real challenge when you've been wounded by those closest to you. I hope this episode blesses you! -Dani

Reflections on When God Feels Far Away
Episode 117 encourages us to ask ourselves about our experiences instead of beating ourselves up or feeling shame for the distance we perceive between ourselves and God. Often, there is a connection between our life experiences and how we interact with aspects of the triune God. This framework advocates for us to engage in self-reflection and take a far more compassionate approach than to shame ourselves for the distance we may feel.

In Christian culture, we've often been taught that God never leaves us; we're the ones who walk away. And while that's true in a way, sometimes life throws us a curveball, and we begin to question things. It's absolutely okay to have questions, doubts, and even moments when we question God's goodness or sovereignty. Our Creator can handle all our inquiries with grace and understanding, so let’s lean into that truth and not shame ourselves for our questions or disconnection.

How Past Relationships May Impact Our Connection with God
If we feel distant from God, we can take a moment to ask ourselves if there might be an authority figure who has caused us harm. Maybe a "father wound" makes it difficult to imagine a loving, compassionate Father God. On the flip side, if we lack connection with the Holy Spirit, it could be tied to a broken or dysfunctional relationship with our mother or mother figures who were meant to nurture and care for us but didn’t. That absence of nurturing can reverberate in our connection with the Holy Spirit. And then there's Jesus. Feeling distant from Him might be rooted in hurt caused by a sibling, spouse, or a dear friend. Trusting Jesus can become a real challenge when we’ve been wounded by those closest to us.

Leveraging Knowledge to Heal and Thrive
This framework isn't a one-size-fits-all solution but a starting point for understanding our deeper beliefs and healing those wounds. Knowledge is power, and the more we delve into our inner workings, the better equipped we are to navigate life's twists and turns. So, remember, it's okay to have questions, and it's okay to explore these concepts. After thinking through this framework with God, we can share with a friend and continue to seek encouragement and support on our path to wholeness and healing. We have more space for healing as we bring our concerns to light and process our wounds with a trusted friend.

In Dani’s group coaching program, we practice being present for one another in a safe community as we heal. If that may bless you, check out The Feel Better Journey. You might discover a fantastic community waiting for you.


Thoughts On 13 Years Sober


116. Finding Hope: Embracing Compassion and Finding Healing