121. You Deserve Healthy Relationships.

Get around people who appreciate you! In Episode 121, we talk about struggling internally or dealing with our own negative self-talk. We need to be uplifted and supported. I know there are so many things we resent about ourselves already, and when we're around people who nitpick us or are really hard on us, it's extra hard to get out of that rut and get into a better heart and mindset with positive thinking. And so, I want to encourage us all to get around the people in our lives who appreciate us, love us, and see things in us that you don't even see in yourself. -Dani

Have you ever noticed how the people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our mindset and well-being?

In every encounter, we either give life or we drain it – there is no equal exchange. -Brennan Manning

This quote has been a guiding light, especially in the past decade. We all know life is full of difficulties. When we spend time with various personalities, it's crucial to be strategic about who we allow into our inner circle.

Some people energize us, while others can leave us feeling drained. Recognizing these dynamics can help us set healthy boundaries and preserve our mental and emotional well-being. We all encounter "takers" who drain our energy and make us feel less than our best selves. While it's challenging, especially when these individuals are close to us, we can choose who we spend our time with.

Surrounding ourselves with appreciative, loving people can make a huge difference in our mindset and overall happiness. People who see things in us that we don't even see in ourselves are essential to our growth. So many of us have a really hard time receiving compliments, and part of our inner growth is about learning to receive the good stuff, like compliments and truths about our strengths, so we need to be around people who shower us with good!

We are all on a journey of growth and self-discovery. It's okay to acknowledge when an encounter leaves us feeling drained and to take proactive steps to recover. As we navigate the messiness of life, let's strive to be the best versions of ourselves, surrounded by those who appreciate and uplift us.


122. 4 Steps To Learning To Thrive Through The Process of the T.H.A.W. framework.


120. It's Never Too Late. A Fresh Perspective