122. 4 Steps To Learning To Thrive Through The Process of the T.H.A.W. framework.

Hey there, podcast fam! Family-wise, we've been doing pretty well. The fall was super active, with my son playing football and my daughter playing volleyball. It was such a blast, and my daughter had her senior night a couple of weeks ago. She's shining bright in her senior year, navigating the ups and downs of high school. Now, we're onto the next chapter, figuring out college and all that. These are exciting times but also bittersweet as we realize these might be the last times for certain events.

Okay, let's jump into the main topic in Episode 122. I'm pumped to share this concept with you. We often talk about it in The Feel Better Journey, my coaching program. You've heard about it if you've been around, but if not, no worries. I want to share this because it could help us gain perspective, move the needle a bit, and find a framework to know our next steps toward feeling better and healing.

I get it; so many of us feel stuck or numb, and sometimes, we need some guardrails or a framework to navigate it all. Especially now, with Christmas around the corner and the winter blues setting in, it's easy to feel down. I'll address how I tackle the winter blues in an upcoming episode.

Now, let's dive into the concept I wanted to talk about today, and it's summed up in the acronym THAW. Trust, Honesty, Acceptance, and Work. These elements form a powerful framework for those times when we feel numb, stuck, or disillusioned.

Trust (T): We start by rebuilding trust—trust in ourselves, in others, and in God. It takes time, patience, and surrounding ourselves with trustworthy people.

Honesty (H): Being honest with ourselves about our history, desires, and dreams. Creating a safe space for openness is crucial to thawing out those frozen areas of our hearts.

Acceptance (A): Acceptance doesn't mean cheerfully embracing the unacceptable. It's about acknowledging the reality of our circumstances, living life on life's terms, and actively working towards the best life within those circumstances.

Work (W): Doing the work involves becoming highly self-aware, open to change, and actively working on forgiveness, starting with forgiving ourselves. It's a process, not an overnight transformation.

Remember, thawing out is a process, much like watching an ice cube melt—it takes time. Be patient with yourself. If you've ever felt stuck, numb, or exhausted, I encourage you to stick around for this episode. It might just be the perspective shift you need.

And hey, if you resonate with this kind of content and want to go deeper, consider joining the Feel Better Journey. You can join the waitlist for exclusive bonuses and discounts, so take a listen to Episode 122 and learn more about The Feel Better Journey.


123. Codependent Blues


121. You Deserve Healthy Relationships.